Wednesday, November 27, 2019
ESL Dialogue About Having a Hard Time Finding a Job
ESL Dialogue About Having a Hard Time Finding a Job Original Conversation Mark: Hi Peter! How are you doing these days?Peter: Oh, Hi Mark. Im not doing very well, actually. Mark: Im sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?Peter: ... you know Ive been looking for work. I cant seem to find a job. Mark: Thats too bad. Why did you leave your last job?Peter: Well, my boss treated me badly, and I didnt like my chances of advancing in the company. Mark: That makes sense. A job without opportunities AND a difficult boss isnt very attractive.Peter: Exactly! So, anyway, I decided to quit and find a new job. I sent out my resume to more than twenty companies. Unfortunately, Ive only had two interviews so far. Mark: Have you tried looking online for a job?Peter: Yes, but so many of the jobs require moving to another city. I dont want to do that. Mark: I can understand that. How about going to some of those networking groups?Peter: I havent tried those. What are they? Mark: Theyre groups of people who are also looking for work. They help each other discover new opportunities.Peter: That sounds great. Ill definitely try some of those. Mark: Im glad to hear that. So, what are you doing here?Peter: Oh, Im shopping for a new suit. I want to make the best impression possible at my job interviews! Mark: There you go. Thats the spirit. Im sure things will look up for you soon.Peter: Yes, youre probably right. I hope so! Reported Conversation Mark: I saw Peter today.Susan: Hows he doing? Mark: Not too well, Im afraid.Susan: Whys that? Mark: He told me had been looking for work, but hadnt found a job.Susan: That surprises me. Was he fired or did he quit his last job? Mark: He told me his boss had treated him badly. He also said he didnt like his chances of advancing in the company.Susan: Quitting doesnt sound like a very wise decision to me. Mark: Thats true. But hes been working hard at finding a new job.Susan: Whats he done? Mark: He said he had sent out his resumes to more than twenty companies. Unfortunately, he told me that only two had called him for an interview.Susan: Thats tough. Mark: Tell me about it. However, I gave him some advice and I hope it helps.Susan: What did you suggest? Mark: I suggested joining a networking group.Susan: Thats a great idea. Mark: Yes, well, he told me he would try a few groups.Susan: Where did you see him? Mark: I saw him at the mall. He told me he was shopping for a new suit.Susan: What?! Buying new clothes and no work! Mark: No, no. He said he wanted to make the best impression possible at his job interviews.Susan: Oh, that makes sense. More Dialogue Practice - Includes level and target structures/language functions for each dialogue.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Analysis of Eliza Doolittles Pygmalion Monologues
Analysis of Eliza Doolittles Pygmalion Monologues In the final scene of George Bernard Shaws play Pygmalion, the audience is surprised to learn that this is not the fairytale romance that the entire play has been building up to. Eliza Doolittle may be the Cinderella of the story, but Professor Henry Higgins is no Prince Charming and he cannot bring himself to commit to her. The fiery dialogue also transforms the play from comedy to drama as Elizas monologues are filled with passion. We see that she really has come a long way from that innocent flower girl that first appeared on stage. She is a young woman with a mind of her own and new-found opportunities in front of her though she does not quite know where to go now. We also see her slip back into her Cockney grammar as her temper flares. Though she catches and corrects herself, these are final reminders of her past as we wonder about her future. Eliza Expresses Her Desires Prior to this, Higgins has run through Elizas options for the future. It seems to him that her best prospect is to find a man unlike the confirmed old bachelors like me and the Colonel. Eliza explains the relationship she desired from him. It’s a tender scene that almost warms the Professor’s heart despite himself. ELIZA: No I dont. Thats not the sort of feeling I want from you. And dont you be too sure of yourself or of me. I could have been a bad girl if Id liked. Ive seen more of some things than you, for all your learning. Girls like me can drag gentlemen down to make love to them easy enough. And they wish each other dead the next minute. (much troubled) I want a little kindness. I know Im a common ignorant girl, and you a book-learned gentleman; but Im not dirt under your feet. What I done (correcting herself) what I did was not for the dresses and the taxis: I did it because we were pleasant together and I comecameto care for you; not to want you to make love to me, and not forgetting the difference between us, but more friendly like. When Eliza Realizes the Truth Unfortunately, Higgins is a permanent bachelor. When he is incapable of offering affection, Eliza Doolittle stands up for herself in this powerfully feisty monologue. ELIZA: Aha! Now I know how to deal with you. What a fool I was not to think of it before! You cant take away the knowledge you gave me. You said I had a finer ear than you. And I can be civil and kind to people, which is more than you can. Aha! Thats done you, Henry Higgins, it has. Now I dont care that (snapping her fingers) for your bullying and your big talk. Ill advertize it in the papers that your duchess is only a flower girl that you taught, and that shell teach anybody to be a duchess just the same in six months for a thousand guineas. Oh, when I think of myself crawling under your feet and being trampled on and called names, when all the time I had only to lift up my finger to be as good as you, I could just kick myself! Does Civility Equal Kindness? Higgins has readily admitted that he is fair in his treatment of everyone. If he is harsh with her, she should not feel bad because he is equally harsh most people he meets. Eliza jumped on this and the realization forces a final decision from her, at least when it comes to Higgins. This also makes the audience wonder about the commentary on wealth and civility in relation to kindness and compassion. Was Eliza Doolittle as kind when she was living in the gutter? Most readers would say yes, yet it draws a stark contrast to Higgins excuse of unbiased severity. Why does a higher class of society come with less kindness and compassion? Is that really a better way of life? It seems that Eliza struggled with these questions herself. Where is the Happily Ever After Ending? The big question that Pygmalion leaves the audience with is: Do Eliza and Higgins ever get together? Shaw did not initially say and he intended for the audience to decide for themselves. The play ends with Eliza saying goodbye. Higgins calls after her with, of all things, a shopping list! He is absolutely positive that she will return. In reality, we do not know what happens to the two characters of Pygmalion. This confounded early directors of the play (and the My Fair Lady movie) because many felt that the romance should have blossomed. Some had Eliza return with the necktie from Higgins shopping list. Others had Higgins toss Eliza a bouquet or follow her and beg her to stay. Shaw intended to leave the audience with an ambivalent conclusion. He wanted us to imagine what might happen because each of us will have a different perspective based on our own experiences. Maybe the romantic sort would have the two live happily ever after while those jaded by love would be happy to see her go out in the world and enjoy her independence. The directors attempts to change Shaws ending prompted the playwright to pen an epilogue: The rest of the story need not be shewn in action, and indeed, would hardly need telling if our imaginations were not so enfeebled by their lazy dependence on the ready-mades and reach-me-downs of the ragshop in which Romance keeps its stock of happy endings to misfit all stories. Though he also gave arguments as to why Higgins and Eliza were incompatible, he did write a version of what happened after the final scene. One feels that it was done with reluctance and its almost a shame to pass along this ending, so if you want to retain your own version, it would be best to stop reading here (you really will not miss much). In his finale, Shaw tells us that Eliza does indeed marry Freddy and the couple opens a flower shop. Their life together is filled with dreariness and not too much success, a far cry from those romantic thoughts of the plays directors.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Comparison of the Ideas from Buddhism and the Vedas with Upanishads Essay
Comparison of the Ideas from Buddhism and the Vedas with Upanishads - Essay Example Similar to the Vedas, Buddhism considered the idea of karma, but its interpretation was completely different (Grant, 2009). Buddhism did not see karma as destiny or fate. In turn, in the Vedas, the idea of karma was related to the idea of debt. The Vedas stated that people were born in different social conditions as a result of belonging to different castes (caste of warriors, rulers, servants) or were born of women. Their karma or debt was seen in following the classic patterns of behavior in specific situations. The Buddhist idea of karma was completely different from the Vedic. In Buddhism, karma was regarded as "impulses" that encourage people to do something or think (Grant, 2009). These pulses occurred as a result of previous habitual actions or behaviors. However, since there is no need to follow every impulse, human behavior is not strictly deterministic.Both the Vedas/the Upanishads and Buddhism considered the idea of rebirth, but it was understood in different ways. In the Vedas as well as in the Upanishads, it is atman, or "I" that is permanent, unchanging, and separate from the body and mind (Gunasekara, n.d.). It is always the same, passing from life to life. All of these "I" or Atman are one with the universe, or Brahma. Consequently, the diversity that people see around them is an illusion, since in reality all people are one with the Brahma. Buddhism treated this issue differently because it believed that there was no unchanging "I", or atman. "I" exists.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The scope and application of jus cogens Dissertation
The scope and application of jus cogens - Dissertation Example It is the objective of jus cogens and erga omnes to promote and preserve the common interests of nations to a much greater extent than the international law. These tenets constitute constitutional rules that describe the basic features of the international legal system. They are also quite influential in determining the manner, in which international law is developed, preserved and modified. In addition, these rules protect civil liberties and human rights that are central to the individuality of the international legal system. A norm is regarded as jus cogens upon being accepted by the countries of the world, in their entirety. However, this does not require unanimous acceptance. Importantly, a few subjects of international law, acting in isolation or in association with other subjects, do not result in jus cogens; nor can they veto a decision of the majority of nations. This research work proves that the principle of jus cogens is procedurally ineffective with respect to the international norms prohibiting torture. The best way to address this issue is for the ICJ to become more proactive and clarify, via its rulings, the inherent ambiguity. In addition, a convention should be framed that implements the peremptory norms in a consistent manner. Jus Cogens Introduction Jus cogens or peremptory norms are uniquely situated in the hierarchy of international law. These norms have a binding effect upon every nation, which is a major difference between them and conventional treaty and international laws. In addition, this binding effect is independent of the willingness of a nation to be bound by these norms.1 As such, Jus cogens can be regarded as a body of rules, when certain fundamental universal principles that have a binding effect upon all the States are created. In addition, these rules should prove to be crucially important for the entire international community. As there is no established international legislative power, implementing competent international peremptory norms has its own peculia r necessity.2 Article 53 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, enabled State Parties to implement the concept of jus cogens in positive international law; initiating the utilisation of this notion. Specifically, jus cogens safeguards overriding interests and values of the comity of nations, and averts their deterioration and selective modification. 3 Jus cogens, in the contemporary milieu, finds general acceptance by State practice, as a rule of the traditional international law. This research work comprises of five sections. The first of these relates to the historical development of jus cogens. The second section describes the methods for identifying
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Role of the US Constitution and Legal System in Business Regulation Essay Example for Free
Role of the US Constitution and Legal System in Business Regulation Essay The Constitution of the United States and their legal system have an impact on the guidance and operation of companies in any industry. In case a person breaks a law, for example, he or she may be obliged to pay a fine or even imprisoned in the US. It works the same way with companies: if a business is found responsible for allowing its employees to violate regulations this company is subject to a fine and even closedown. For instance, companies are responsible to guarantee that all employees are legally authorized to work in the United States. Occasionally employees without proper documentation are able to get a job. The law enforcement agencies perform raids on business enterprises in effort to enforce appropriately laws concerning citizenship and permanent residency. These raids have been taking place all over the United States in attempt to protect the motherland after the tragedy of the September 11th. Immigration authorities have used debatable procedures when many innocent people have been kept in custody. The law allows the Immigration and Customs officials the right to question anyone on the premises during a search. It is the employers obligation to guarantee that all employees are legally authorized to work by means of performing systematic background checks in order to avoid a chaos and confusion during raids and punishment from the government of the US. Application of Constitutional RightsIn cases when organizations are hiring workers without proper documentation, the government enforces laws in order to protect the interest of United States citizens, the government, and businesses. In Los Angeles, a business was raided and workers were detained due to immigration authorities receiving information about undocumented workers at a particular organization. The constitution grants the right for authorities to search and seize given there is probable cause (US Constitution Annotated-Analysis and Interpretation of the Constitution, 2005.) Probable cause can be a controversial term that is used, in theory it means that all facts must be thoroughly investigated and warrants will be granted, if procedures are followed. In this particular case in Los Angeles, documented and undocumented employees were detained. Unfortunately, the document employees believed their constitutional rights were violated and they sued the Immigration and Customs Enforcement for false imprisonment and detention without justification. The search warrant permits Immigration and Customs Enforcement to question everyone inside of the establishment in question (Bazar, 2008). In this particular case, one-fifth of the employees at this establishment were found to be undocumented. The Effect of Constitutional Rights on BusinessesEmployers are screening their employees more thoroughly to avoid the serious consequences of being an enabler of undocumented citizens. As one can imagine, this is a timely and costly procedure even if enough qualified employees are available. In many businesses, organizations are struggling to keep up with demand rather than being overly selective employers are looking for bodies to fill positions. Laws and regulations come with a cost; when those laws do not promote a healthy business environment, laws will stunt the growth of business enterprise. When organizations do not follow procedure by actively screening their applicants by conducting background checks, it reflects poorly on the organizations. There is a high risk of hiring applicants who are not qualified for positions, and the probability is even higher that undocumented workers will be hired. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement is enforcing laws designed to protect the interest of businesses, losing employees is extremely costly. When employees are documented they are more likely to remain employed at the company. Overall, constitutional rights and United States laws impact the hiring procedures of organizations which directly impacts the overall productivity of business. Following local city, state, and federal laws determines the flow of business and affects the customer base. Impact of Labor LawsLabors laws impact businesses the most because they dictate how businesses are run, their daily productivity, and expenditures. Federal labor laws protect the interest of employees by setting strict standards for organizations to follow. Regulations schedule breaks, wages, safe working conditions, unemployment insurance. There are federal standards that organizations must abide by and state regulations which never go below the federal standards. Federal laws set a minimum standard and state governments decide what is appropriate for their state (keeping in mind the cost of living standards). Federal and state regulations dictate the age of employees including hours and breaks. There are strict restrictions about the type of work environment children can work in; allowing children to work in hazardous conditions is strictly prohibited under federal law (US (Department of Labor, 2008.) Employers must abide by federal regulations to compensate employees for workin g more than 40 hours per week. At some organizations unions are established to defend the rights of employees. Unions are a powerful force in the United States and are able to negotiate further for wages; holiday pay, fight against disciplinary action, and other challenges employees deal with on a daily basis. ConclusionThe United States Constitution and federal regulations have a tremendous impact over the functionality of all aspects of daily business operation. Immigration laws have impacted the operations of businesses; some organizations are learning they must follow federal laws by thoroughly screening applicants prior to hiring them. These regulations are in place to protect employers from severe loss of capital. The negligence of employers can impact citizens in good standing because Immigration and Customs Enforcement can use the right of search and seizure to question anyone in a business establishment. The United States Constitution and federal regulations are in place to protect the interest of businesses and people working in the United States legally. When regulations are not actively enforced by employers it impacts the interest of the business, and its employees who are law abiding. Labor laws protect the interest of employees and the United States economy. The laws dictate working conditions, hours employees can work, and federal standards for minimum wage are set. Most important, labor laws protect the interest of the future generation by enforcing age restrictions that would interfere with the development of children. Federal laws are designed to be fair and balanced to protect the interest of businesses and legal employees. References Bazar E. (2008, June 25). Citizens Sue After Detentions, Immigration Raides. USA Today. Retrieved November 1, 2008, from: Constitution Annotated-Analysis and Interpretation of the Constitution. (2005) U.S. Supreme Court Center. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from: Department of Labor. (2008). Compliance Assistance. Retrieved November 1, 2008, from US Department of Labor :
Friday, November 15, 2019
Virtual Reality Essay -- Technology Research Papers
Virtual Reality Imagine walking down a white sandy beach. The sand is warm between your toes and there is a light breeze that moves your hair. You look across the horizon at the bright warm sun, a little to bright you think as you squint. But the water before you is so clear, you can see small fish clear to the bottom. The water is cool and it feels refreshing as you let the waves crash gently at your feet. This place is beautiful and peaceful, but you realize your not alone. You look to your right and see a child and her mother splashing in the water. You can hear the child laughing and feel the rippling sensation in the water against your legs. The sun is getting a little warm as a small bead of sweat falls across your brow. You look onto the beach and see the white sand as it glistens from the sun. You look a little farther and see the towel and chair you left earlier. You marvel about what a beautiful day it is. Then, you sigh as you walk across the warm sand and it sticks to your wet feet, wate r is dripping off you, but you feel relaxed. You don't want to leave this beautiful place, but you realize your time is up. You feel a sharp tap on your shoulder and your helmet is slowly being removed from your head. Reality comes flooding back to you, gone is the white sandy beach and warm sun, but and in its place are the cold uninviting walls of the laboratory. The scientist smiles and asks how you enjoyed your experience. What has just happened is the technology of the future called virtual reality. This is concept that allows one to think they are experiencing something through the use of the major senses. Virtual reality creates an imaginary image that allows for a sense of deception. Virtual reality takes place in many ... ...of funds. With further research and advancements comes the opportunity to entertain, train, as well as help people. Wouldn't we all like to experience a little vacation without the hassle of packing, flying or driving, and unpacking when we return. Instead we could relax and experience it without leaving the privacy of our own homes. Works Cited Beier, K.P. Virtual Reality: A Short Introduction. University of Michigan. September 2001. Facit Visual Simulations. Sensory Product Line. 2001 Facit Ltd for Virtual Reality. Mc.Masters, Kelly. Almost There. November 13, 2001. PC Magazine. Mitchell, Keith. Virtual Reality. December 16, 1996. "Virtual Reality." Encararta Encyclopedia Article. Ed. Zelter, David 1993-2000. Williams
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Abortions: The Choice is the Woman’s
Abortion is one of the most controversial topics of this era. What is abortion? Abortion is defined as the removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus resulting or causing the death of the fetus or embryo. The people who believe abortion is wrong and should not be allowed are called Pro-Life activist. Those who believe abortion is the woman’s choice because it’s her body are called Pro-Choice activist. Pro-life activists debate that all life at conception is precious and deserves a chance at life. They also believe that God not the mother chooses its time of life and death. Pro-choice followers often argue in favor of science and the United States Constitutional Ninth Amendment, which holds freedom of choice sacred (American Civil Liberties, 1997). They believe the first patient is the mother, and she is the one who allows the pregnancy to happen or not. The fact of the matter is if abortion is chosen to be banned people will find a way to have one done. To save this from happening abortion should be kept legal because its the woman’s right, pregnancies due to rape are not usually wanted, and if health related problems arise and the pregnancy can not continue. Women have fought very long and hard to have their rights. On January 22, 1973 the Supreme Court decided in its landmark decision of the Roe vs. Wade case to make abortion a legal action for all women (American Civil Liberties Union, 1997). Henry Wade was a district attorney from Dallas whom the Roe case was against (Lowenstein, 1996). When abortions were not legal the number of women who wanted or needed and abortions did not decrease. Before legalizing abortion thousands of women died or suffered serious medical illnesses after trying to do their own abortions, or going to non trained physicians who performed cheap abortions in unsanitary conditions (Abortion Law Homepage, 1996). A woman’s has a choice to say whether or not the fetus at hand is wanted. Though is not believed that abortion should be used as a form of birth control. Pro-Life activist believe that the unborn baby living between the 18th and 25th day after conception, this is when the heart starts. They believe the fetus has more rights than the woman because it can not speak for itself. This is often argued because Pro-Choice activist believe the baby is not considered a baby until it reaches the viability stage, which is 24 weeks. Pro-Life activists almost always call women who have abortions are murderers. Pro-Life activists, also call abortion clinics a butcher shop where babies are murdered. This is not true; they provide a place for a woman to have a safe choice. To say that a woman is not allowed to make a choice about her body defeating the purpose of her fight for her right. The AIG reported that there are about 90,000 rape cases reported yearly. Among those rape victims about five percent of them become pregnant, and from that 50% of them get abortions (Johnson, 2006). Why should rape victims be forced to keep a child resulting from rape? This is a question that some Pro-Life activists’ struggles with. A woman that has been raped should be able to have an abortion because keeping the child, would cause the mother the hate the child when the mother had a though about the rapist (Steinmetz, 1998). The child would constantly remind the mother of the pain she went through on that day. Although some Pro-Life activists believe that the woman should give the baby up for adoption if there is rape involved. Adoption is not acceptable because the woman would have to give birth to a child and then give it to a complete stranger. Most women are not able physically and mentally to give a baby up. The mother would have to pray constantly about the baby being placed in the best environment. The child will then have to be tossed from place to place in search for a family that wants them. Putting a baby up for an adoption is not always seen as the answer. Legal abortions not only protect a woman’s life but it also protects their health. There are thousands of women with kidney disease, heart disease, severe hypertension, sickle cell anemia, and severe diabetes, and other illnesses that can be life threatening, the availability of legal abortions has helped lessen serious medical problems that could have came from having a baby (Steinmetz, 1998). There have been several cases that a woman has chosen whether she dies or the baby dies. This is also another case that Pro-Life activist struggle with. They believe that if it God’s will for the unborn child, the mother, or both to die it will be done. Pro-Choice believes that God has blessed people with free will. To decide if a fetus is a human or a clump of cells is the choice of each individual walking throughout this land. Abortion remains a controversial topic among pro-life and pro-choice activists. As long as unwanted pregnancies continue to occur, abortions, more than likely, will also continue. In the end, however, it is the mother who has to live with the decision made. There is no way to say who is right and who is wrong. Abortion should be viewed as an anguished decision in which human beings struggle to do the best they can in trying circumstances.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Making Moral Decisions in Different Religious Context Essay
Does religion make a Difference to Moral decision making? Bibliography Declaration Introduction The title of my project is making moral decisions in different religious context. The initial aim was to gain insight into various world religions and determine if ones faith influences the decisions one makes. In order to achieve this goal the project will focus on seven religions differentiated by origin. Confucianism, Taoism both of Chinese origin, Judaism, Christianity and Islam which are of Semitic origin, Buddhism and Hinduism which are of Indian origin. Analysing the traditions, practices and belief systems will establish that moral guidelines exist within a religion and religious deity. These guidelines however do not force a decision upon an individual; belief systems simply guide a person in the correct direction toward a moral lifestyle. This in turn draws attention to decision making and how a human can act as a moral agent. The aim is to achieve knowledge and insight into questions such as how does one make a distinction between good and bad? What determines if an act is moral or immoral? Who and what is involved in the decision making process? Do certain factors such as background and life experience influence the choices one makes? These are the questions that will be addressed . Researching theologians and their perspective on the matter of moral decision making will clarify and shed light on the importance of the conscience and how an individual should evaluate a situation using a principle called the triple font theory. The concept of immorality shall be touched on in trying to find out if an act; although immoral does it constitute intrinsic evil? The final aim is to investigate morality in each specific religion, to achieve this objective the knowledge and information obtained from the research of previous topics will be put into practice in the different cultures. This project begs to ask the question, does religion make a difference to moral decision making? Chapter One: World view of seven world Religions. Religions of Chinese origins The Chinese traditions and religions share similar features and significant differences. The idea of nature is of huge importance and the concept of harmony with nature and oneself is the defining characteristic of the ancient Chinese belief system. There is an emphasis placed on the welfare and well being of the individual in the present life as opposed to a future one. What separates Confucianism, Taoism and Chinese Buddhism is the meaning which is associated with nature. Confucianism places emphasis on the nature of the human. Taoism focuses on harmony with the universe and Chinese Buddhism sees an amalgamation of the nature of the universe with the nature of the self and also with the Buddha nature. Chinese people however have no difficulty in living by all three traditions and have no loyalties to any specific tradition. For this project the focus will be on Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism This belief system as stated previously is concerned with the nature of the human. The aim in one’s life is to become â€Å"fully human†. Their view of life is that nature was received by heaven. Achieving a good life is living by the will of heaven; this is only possible by living according to good human nature. Developing consideration for fellow beings and having a sense of humanity is essential. Family plays a huge role in Confucianism as it is where these values are first established. Confucius was a man born in 552BC and died in 479BC. He was born in a period known as the spring and autumn period in the independent state of Lu. He was well educated and had an enormous interest in the history of his people. At twenty two years of age he opened a school where he educated others. He was later promoted to office of minister of justice. Confucius introduced a moral order never seen before and the state prospered from the changes. He tried to tackle the state of Lu to conform to his teachings yet failed; the preservation of a good government was not a priority for Lu.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Critically evaluate the empirical support for Piagets theory of the stages of cognitive development The WritePass Journal
Critically evaluate the empirical support for Piagets theory of the stages of cognitive development Introduction Critically evaluate the empirical support for Piagets theory of the stages of cognitive development IntroductionReferences.Related Introduction Cognitive development overlooks the way children learn which Piaget (1896-1980) has had a great influence on. Piaget observed children throughout activities by interacting with them verbally and active listening. Piaget (1952) believed that children move through various stages in order to develop. In order for children to develop they had to pass the four stages, Piaget (1952) names the stages as follows, sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operations and formal operational. However there have been many criticisms made by many theorists such as siegler, case, Lewis etc. In this essay I will be evaluating Piaget’s theory stages of development critically and coming to a conclusion. Piaget had a broad horizon on cognitive development. He felt that in order for a development to be passed a child creates schemas. Piaget (1951) schemas are senses of experiences gained by a child from birth. A schema represents a child’s physical and mental capability, for an example a new born child begins to grasp, suck, blink etc. In order for a child to go through the next stage he should be intellectually and mentally fit. The first stage is the sensori-motor, this stage start from birth to 2 years. During this stage children begin to use their senses to create senses in order to develop such as see, hear, touch etc. Piaget (1952) did a task with children ages 8 to 12 months. He called this task â€Å"object permanence†, where he hid an attractive toy away from the child. The child responded by pushing objects away to find the toy. His findings showed him that children began to problem solve and have an understanding. The second stage is the preoperational stage. This stage occurs from 2 to 7 years. Piaget (1936) felt that children were not intellectually capable as their perception was dominating the way they saw situations. He believed that there were many limitations to the way children will think during this stage. The first limitation was egocentration where their own perceptions are being dominated by themselves. Piaget felt that young children are unable to express their views other than their own. In order to prove this he created a task called â€Å"three mountains task†. He came to the conclusion that children up to the age of seven could not identify what the doll could see as they would only answer what they could. The second limitation to this stage is centration which Piaget (1936) believed that children could only focus on one situation going on at one time ignoring others. Piaget (1952) created a task called â€Å"conservation†, this task involved objects which were t ransformed into different lengths, shapes etc. From this task he found out that children cannot focus or understand the concept of height while concentrating on the width. Robert Siegler (1981) replicated Piaget’s (1958) â€Å"Balance Beam†task to see why children could not solve conservation tasks. However Siegler (1981) believed that there are some strategies which children use in order to complete tasks. From his experiment he found that children below 5 could not use the first strategy but used strategy 2 and 3. The third stage is concrete operations. This stage starts from 7 to 12 years. This stage strongly focuses on reasoning. At this stage children are able to see and understand conservation tasks, size, height etc. There are 4 areas which consist within this stage conservation, classification, seriation. Conservation involves children to problem solve mathematically. Classification is for children 7 to 10, Piaget (1967) has said classification is what children in those ages should be able to understand and group objects relating them to their characteristics. Seriation is children able to put things in order for example in size, colour shape, numbers etc. This stage is allowing children to experiment with real objects in order to explore and problem solve. Piaget (1967) did an experiment for seriation with sticks where he found out that, children can put into series of order but make many mistakes. He found that above 6 years can put in order in no time and correctly. The final stage is formal operational. This stage occurs in children around 11 according to Piaget (1958). At this stage children are thinking like adults where they can easily problems in their head with ease. Piaget (1958) constructed a task called â€Å"pendulum†. From this task he found out children do little mistakes but learn from them and all three stages pre- operational, concrete and formal operational are concurred and passed. Lewis (1981) did an experiment to show that not all teenagers at the age of 11 can think like adults, he found out that 50-60% teenagers used formal operations. This shows that not all teenagers including adults use this stage. However Bryant (1974) had criticised that tasks that Piaget (1936, 1951, 1952) did to prove his theory were very hard for children to do. Bryant (1974) proved that Piaget was a bit harsh in tasks with children so he constructed a task where he found out that children under 5 were able to do the tasks without any hesitation. This shows the Piaget (1952) did have a good theory but didn’t have the right task for the age group which the children didn’t answer correctly. Robbie case (1992, 1998) did an experiment to see that a child’s development is not just about schemas or to see their cognitive development, but it includes information processing, which is internal capacity of a child. Cases’ (1992, 1998) theory shows that children have not got enough memory capacity to help them process and develop. So as children grow older they concur the stage. This essay has come to the conclusion that Piaget’s theory has a good source of empirical support to prove his theory. Piaget himself has underpinned numerous tasks such as 3 mountains task, pendulum, object permanence, in order prove his stages of development. However other theorists such as Bryant (1947), Case (1992), Lewis(1981) and Siegler (1981) have proved that there more to the stages of development for example case (1992) has showed that information processing has an equivalent contribution. Nevertheless Piaget had a great impact on cognitive development whereas as many theorists have been inspired. References. Berk. E. L. (2009). Child Development. United States: Library of Congress Cataloging-in- Publication Data pages, 22-24,224-257,278, 280-281, 293. Birch, A. (1997). Developmental psychology. London: Macmillean Press LTD, pages 65-80,111-113. Piaget, J. (1955). The Childs Construction of Reality, trans. London: M. Cook. Piaget, J. (1959). The Language and Thought of the Child. London: Routeledge and Kegan Paul. Siegler R. S. (1998). Childrens Thinking 3rd edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, pages 44, 66-67, 74-78.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
If You Want Peace, Prepare for War
If You Want Peace, Prepare for War The original Latin of the expression if you want peace, prepare for war comes from the book Epitoma Rei Militaris, by the Roman general Vegetius (whose full name was Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus). The Latin is, Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum. Before the fall of the Roman Empire, the quality of its army had begun to deteriorate, according to Vegetius, and the decay of the army came from within itself. His theory was that the army grew weak from being idle during a long time of peace and stopped wearing its protective armor. This made them vulnerable to enemy weapons and to the temptation to flee from battle. Vegetius quote has been interpreted to mean that the time to prepare for war is not when war is imminent but rather when times are peaceful. Likewise, a strong peacetime army could signal to would-be invaders or attackers that the battle may not be worth it. Vegetius Role in Military Strategy Because it was written by a Roman military expert, Vegetius Epitoma Rei Militaris is considered by many to be the foremost military treatise in Western civilization. Despite having little military experience of his own, Vegetius writings were highly influential on European military tactics, particularly after the Middle Ages. Vegetius was what was known as a patrician in Roman society, meaning he was an aristocrat. Also known as the Rei Militaris Instituta, Vegetius book was written sometime between 384 and 389. He sought a return to the Roman military system of legion formation, which was highly organized and depended on a disciplined infantry. His writings had little influence on the military leaders of his own day, but there was a particular interest in Vegetius work later, in Europe. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, because he was the first Christian Roman to write about military affairs, Vegetius work was, for centuries, considered the military bible of Europe. Its said that George Washington had a copy of this treatise. Peace Through Strength Many military thinkers have modified Vegetius ideas for a different time, such as to the shorter expression of peace through strength. Roman Emperor Hadrian (76–138) was probably the first to use that expression. He has been quoted as saying peace through strength or, failing that, peace through threat. In the United States, Theodore Roosevelt coined the phrase Speak softly and carry a big stick. Later, Bernard Baruch, who advised Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II, wrote a book titled Peace Through Strength about a defense plan. The phrase was publicized widely during the 1964 Republican presidential campaign and was used again during the 1970s to support the construction of the MX missile. The adage justified the Cold War buildup of nuclear missiles as a deterrent to war. Ronald Reagan brought peace through strength back into the limelight in 1980, accusing President Jimmy Carter of weakness on the international stage. Said Reagan: We know that peace is the condition under which mankind was meant to flourish. Yet peace does not exist of its own will. It depends on us, on our courage to build it and guard it and pass it on to future generations.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The impact of american TV series 'Gossip Girl' on young adult females Essay - 1
The impact of american TV series 'Gossip Girl' on young adult females (consumerism, product placement, luxury lifestyle) - Ideol - Essay Example With more access to social media and exposure to advertisements, today’s youth are receiving overwhelming amount of information. Besides leisure choices, Television is moulding their day-to-day preferences and trying to influence them to adopt a certain unrealistic lifestyle as they view in their favourite TV series. Another major theme is unhealthy influence of media on the health and personality building decisions. Be it an attempt to follow an unhealthy lifestyle, acting like an adult or having an access to recent branded goods, there is a constant comparison between real lives and what is being portrayed on the TV (Toffoletti 2008, pp.72-5; McRobbie 2008, pp.534-42). On the contrary, these TV shows provide an opportunity to view how certain characters exhibit an ideal behaviour in difficult situations which can be learned by the audience (Hill 2011, pp.354- 357). Consumerism has affected spending patterns and buyer’s behaviours significantly all around the globe. Th e era’s prominent brands occupy major market share by strategizing techniques that appeal to the youth. This is in spite of buyers’ prior awareness of the fact that advertisements only show the brands that they want viewers to buy. The effort to induce positive perception in the consumers is so overwhelming that it has a tendency of affecting decisions of even the most knowledgeable buyers (Romeo 2009, pp.18-25). The Television sector is not far behind in this race and they also strive to increase their viewership. Television is a powerful medium that reaches billions of viewers on a daily basis (Turow 2005, pp.105-113). Trends introduced through this medium affect millions of young viewers on daily basis (Spalding, 2010). An upcoming trend that continues to gain prominence over traditional television commercials is marketing brands in television series or movies; whereby, big corporations avail their products to actors in a television series as part of costume and dec or as a marketing strategy as is the case in the TV series Gossip Girl. The TV series is based on a best-selling series of novels written by Cecily von Ziegesar about the tumultuous life of Manhattan's Upper East Side's elite young adults. The main themes in the TV series revolve around the love life, relationships, deceit, rivalry, power, and money together with luxury lifestyle of the main characters. The series, created by Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, was first premiered on The CW in late September, 2007 (Spalding, 2010, p.3-67). Although, researches done by Turow (2005, pp. 105-113) and Saplding (2010) illustrate how TV, especially sitcoms, affect behavior and preferences of consumers; Keum et al. (2004, pp. 372-391) present a different opinion by saying that media creates social consciousness and status consciousness which leads to spurring an awareness of the social responsibilities associated with consuming and a pursuit of status-oriented lifestyles. These researchers were of the opinion that the shift in social and status consciousness occurs as a result of viewers’ obsession with emulating the behaviours and attitudes portrayed with the characters they hold in high esteem. This approach infers that TV series such as Gossip Girl plays a role in influencing viewers’ social and status consciousness, which in turn affects their attitudes and behaviours with regard to lifestyle and consumer choices. For example,
Friday, November 1, 2019
Carilion clinic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Carilion clinic - Assignment Example The suite attempted to block the merger due to the likely monopoly it would create in the area. There is a need for Carilion Clinic to provide their patients with affordable healthcare costs. In order to achieve this, a long term plan on good returns should be designed by Dr. Murphy and the board instead of overburdening the patients with hefty cost. A managerial overhaul ought to be in check. Good leadership is equivalent to success. Notwithstanding, the whole body should fashion their dedication to deliver healthcare towards firmly grounded values. The values will see to it an efficient workforce who put the patient ahead of profit maximization. Will long term policy on returns be better than increasing costs to cover subsidies and uncompensated care of the uninsured patients? Is there a need to revise the salaries to reflect a proportional remuneration to fair pricing on the patients? Is it wise to open referrals for patients who come from outside Carilions health network to boost the income? Does the Clinic need new managers? What is the driving force in Carilion Clinic, to provide good health care or to make money? These are some of the questions that need to be asked to evaluate the alternative solutions. The favorable alternative will be of the change of management structure. Good management will oversee firm policies that will stir Carilion Clinic ahead. On good leadership there will be total control of everything. This marks the beginning of the solution. Implementation of the decision starts with creating awareness of the current situation at hand. This involves lots of communication processes after which an introduction of an appropriate alternative will follow addressing the problems. A through process of action will be involved. The results are then to be evaluated through different ways such as feedback, interviews and assessments. When implementing the decisions certain targets are set. They will determine whether to repeat the process if
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